Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Upadesh Saar : Verse 8 (Day 1)

Su: Gurudev's thought for the day:
Live day to day. Watch the Tamaasha at home and in the world outside. Both inside and outside your house do your best ungrudgingly for the welfare of others.  But expect nothing from them. Change can come in others only by His grace,  never by our efforts for them to grow.

MN: Can someone explain the above thought for the day

VN: @Mitesh: there are two ways of increasing the value from a given fraction a/b. Either increase the value of 'a' or reduce the value of 'b'. Fractional rule, std 6th ๐Ÿ˜
I think, the meaning is....When we try to increase the numerator, we will be adding on to more vasanas on our pile. Instead, when we entertain lesser desires, we are not creating new vasanas and thus the Happiness Quotient increases.

MN: So in effect what the Rishis are trying to say the ideal state is when you don't entertain desires you reach infinite happiness๐Ÿ˜Š
Because the denominator would be zero right

VN: ๐Ÿ‘
a/0 = Infinity. It is also said to be Indeterminate or 'Not defined' in some contexts. i think all would hold good in this situation.

MN: But from a pure mathematical point of view if you don't entertain any desires then you would not have any desires to fulfil...
So wouldn't that make it 0/0๐Ÿ˜ฌ

VN: @mitesh: but there's already some desires we carry. So numerator is greater than 0.

MN: Yes you are right from our past births

SS: Verse 8: compared to contemplation with duality, contemplation on Oneness with the Divine through Soham is more purifying.

GK: The verse directly points 2 Advaita philosophy. The end results of all the tools we discussed should culminate in contemplation on the Advaita principle. Here I had a doubt on what type of realization did the stalwarts like Madhavacharya(dwaita) or Ramanujacharya(vishista-advaita) or say proponents of kashmiri shivism.... gain. Didn't they reach Advaita (oneness) before they noted the thesis

Or did they just functioned on instructons from the Lord to bring in variety in school of thoughts for the benefit of variety of intellects

Will it be wrong 2 term just Shankara's philosophy as leading 2 ultimate freedom?

Sorry Swamiji 4 I diverted from the verse itself and got into comparison mode.

VS: Swamiji... A very powerful question... Will think and respond
And Krishna the comparison or difference is very thin silver line I feel... So it doesn't make anyone inferior.
At our level everyone is superior
Swamiji is it because advaita goes beyond BMI while we are stuck with a name and form (time n space) in dvaita
At our level we are following a mixture of dvaita and a dvaita
Swamiji I just realised I was talking about Nirguna or uninterrupted contemplation. Does this type of contemplation exist in dvaita too?

SS: Krishna, the concept of moksha is different in each path. Do more research on their principles, concept and means of moksha and you will know that their realisation is not same as advaita

Vinod: uninterrupted chanting of Lord's name exists in bhakti also

GK: Thank you Swamiji! Will do some homework.

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