Saturday, August 23, 2014

Upadesh Saar : Verse 9 (Day 2)

Su: Gurudev's thought for the day:
We are a three-faceted equipment.  Where the body is at work, the mind of the worker should stand receptive and responsive, and his intellect alert and discriminative,  should assume full command of the body and the mind.  Such three-fold concentration is referred to as single pointedness and is indeed very hard to attain. Much sincere,  regular practice is needed - of polishing and integrating the personality.

JV: When we manifest devotion for a form, knowing very well that the power behind that form is all pervading, you starts seeing the supreme power in every activity of universe. To such an extent that you feel the presence of the  entity in everything and finally only the that presence no more of I is felt.
The form is basically a reference point. A trigger.

Su: Ok,  Iam unable to  intellectually grasp the concept of devotion with non duality.  If I identify with something how can I be devoted to it after that.

SS: Devotion with non-duality means devotion in its highest form is non-duality. Devotee and Lord merge. Devotion alone remains.

Like sleeper and sleeping cease and sleep alone remains

Su: Yes now I got it... thanks Swamiji.

JV: Absolutely.

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