Thursday, July 24, 2014

Upadedsh Saar : Verse 4 (Day 4)

SS: Ramkumarji:
  1. in the Pooja that we do, the shlokas and mantras are sattvik mantras. The steps, actions etc are sattvik and so there is no counter result of it if one makes mistakes. If one knowingly makes mistakes due to tamas then it becomes tamasic. Example knowingly chanting a vedic mantra without intonation or not offering what is required due to laziness etc. Even here, no counter result. Just that the purity that the mind could have achieved is lesser.
  2. Also, when we ask for forgiveness at the end of the pooja for errors, it must be done sincerely so that we are protected from our own ego of having done pooja and a certain sense of self-righteousness that can creep in.
  3. Where we know that we lack knowledge, we must gain the proper knowledge. Knowingly continuing ignorance is tamasic.
  4. In specific rituals done for a specific result like wanting a progeny or wealth or health etc the steps have to be followed strictly because the desires result wont come without that. Just like if i want water then hydrogen 2 molecules and oxygen 1 molecule has to be mixed. No compromise there. Such karmas are called sakaama karma. Nachiketa's father was compromising in kathopanishad. No negative karma but no desired result too.
  5. Harmful effects happen when we use tamasic mantras and rajasik mantras to hurt someone. Example black magic.
  6. It is important to follow steps in Pooja because it helps one to discipline the mind, become selfless etc. But incase for some unavoidable reasons one cant follow it or makes a mistake, the Lord does not punish nor karma will beget negative karmaphala. Devotion is most important in the pooja and it can fulfil all lapses. Thats why the Lord says in geeta chapter 9 - whoever offers me a leaf, a flower, a fruit or even a drop of water with devotion, i partake of the devotion and bless the person.
VS: Swamiji is there adverse impact of shortening or skipping a pooja. I

SS: Skipping a pooja which is one's nitya karma or daily duty gives pratyavaaya dosha means error of omission and hence one has to do prayaschitta for it along with next pooja. Its like exercising everyday is necessary. Not doing it makes the health suffer and later one pays the price heavily. Shortening the pooja has no adverse effects. But it should not be done as a habit

VS: What is the prayaschitta
Extra pooja nxt day

SS: Yes
Prayaschitta literally means repentence
And atonement for errors

VS: Thanks Swamiji

NG: Pooja everyday, japa everyday, study everyday, exercise everyday AND all other daily activities exhausted thinking about it😳

VS: And the word Nityakarma has only remained a definition. It was so easy until we were students or single(dont take it the other way)

SS: You can alternately do pooja/japa/meditation. Spend only 20min doing any one practice. 20min doing exercise 5 times a week. 20min study. This is the T20 formula for stress-free life.

NG: Yes Swamiji. That sounds really do-able πŸ˜ƒ.

VS: Thanks a lot Swamiji...for the T20 formula. I'll need to talk to you sometime regarding 20 plus.

SS: Practice of the week: T20 formula. 20min spiritual practice. 20min exercise. 20min spiritual study. Lets attempt this and grow holistically.

VS: Swamiji can we include one of the 20 for our discussion
Sunitha please don't throw out lazy members

SS: Are you studying the commentary of the verses we are discussing? If yes and you are reflecting on it, then alone it is counted. Only discussion on this is not counted

VS: Yes
N I will continue

RP: Thanks a lot Swamiji! For patiently explaining every point.,

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