Monday, July 28, 2014

Upadesh Saar : Verse 4 (Day 7)

SS: While doing japa the following can be focussed upon:
  1. Visualise the form of the lord or
  2. Visualise the alphabets of the mantra or
  3. Pay attention to the sound of mantra chanting or
  4. Focus on silence between 2 repetitions or
  5. Contemplate on the meaning.
This is in increasing order of subtlety.

When to do japa?
  • Daily fixed quantity is a must. Fixed time and place are preferable. If not possible stick to fixed quantity.
  • At other times one can do upon waking up, before eating food, take a mantram-break instead of coffee break while at work, when emotions overwhelm or we lose equanimity, while waiting for a bus or in a queue or in traffic or on a phone, dedicate it to others for their health or wellbeing etc.
  • And at night before sleeping.
Practice of the week: mantram walk is very helpful. One can do it when one is exercising or when one is disturbed... Walk briskly and synchronise the mantra chanting with breathing and walking. It Channelizes the mental energy into productive and higher aspects of ourselves.

How many of us do japa? What quantity?

Japa of one ishta mantra and gayatri mantra is sufficient. More mantras are not necessary. Every mantra can bless us with everything. So different mantra for health, wealth, progeny, etc are not needed because results come from the Lord and not the mantra.

VS: Based on the difference between chanting and Japa, I don't Japa regularly. Whenever I do it's 108. I am sure I am accumulating Pratyaya Dosha. My Japa mantra is also not constant.
Thanks a lot for the various options and exercise

DM: I dont do japa.. I find myself postponing to start this practise.i hv bought japa mala n had started but got lost in the counting n then started asking wats the use of doing it.. I said to myself"i am not convinced" but now with this discussion I understand why I need to start. .
So is chanting "om" japa? N is japa mala necessary? It seems to distract me.. is it necessary to count at all?

VN: I was consistent in Japa for 3 years till end of last year. This year, its just twice or thrice a week. Have decided to bring it back to routine.

DN: Thank you Swamiji very handy tips

SS: Daily Practice for 21 days: choose your MPG(My Personal God) or ishta devata and a mantra. Visualise the deity and invoke love in the heart for that form. Chant the mantra 21 times only. It will take max 10min. Today is 1st Shravan Somvaar. Take this sankalpa to do japa 21 times daily for 21 days atleast.

MN: Yes Swamiji
I chant 'Om Namah Shiva' when my mind is disturbed but from now on will make it a daily practice

SK: Thank you Swamiji.

‎SR: I did japa continously for a year post YEP ...but slowly became irregular...wil start it frm today...thnk u swamiji

CS: Thank you Swamiji

AT: I was very regular in Japa when in Germany. These days it happens on the go like during walking or travel or when I wish to just quieten my mind. I miss the discipline and wish to start again.

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