Saturday, July 19, 2014

Upadesh Saar : Verse 3 (Day 2)

Su: Gurudev's thought for the day:
Withdraw your grace from your mind.  It is the devil (rakshasa) who has, through its tapas,  invoked you and got your blessings - and it is now threatening to annihilate you!  Learn to destroy him quickly - hasten slowly.

JV: Totally agree and it has received so much that it has become bhasmasur of my self and is threatening to burn me to ashes. Mostly I am succumbing to it.

NG: All in the same boat๐Ÿ˜ณ
But now we have a good boatman...thank you Swamiji๐Ÿ™

AV: Yes thank you Swamiji and the group

SS: Beautiful quote sunitha. Kaivartakah keshavaha says Geeta Dhyaan Shloka. Krishna or the Lord is our boatman

VS: Yes Swamiji...

RP: Different topic and sorry for the distraction - ever wondered why is the universe with thousands of planets, stars , galaxies, animals , plants, so many multiple names and forms actually called as UNIverse? (Uni - not two not three not many-verse just UNI)

GP: There is also a theory among scientists (space scientists) about multi-verses

JV: There are no limitations when the limitless is cooking a story :) Ram, there are multi universes  as well

SS: Nothing beats the understanding of vedanta that there is no creation - uni or multi. Why wonder if there is one snake or many snakes? ๐Ÿ˜œ

JV: Totally. ๐Ÿ‘

SS: If you had to enumerate 10 principles of Karma Yoga what would they be?

RP: 1. Work is dedicated to an higher ideal
2. Cheerful acceptance of results
3. Less or nil likes and dislikes while performing actions
4. Feeling of gratitude or higher presence propelling the action ( vs I doing all)
5. Focus on doing it right and cheerfully
6. Ideally tallies with swadharma
10. It is a good thing !!!

GP: 7. Karma is action. Karma yoga is in the attitude behind the action.
10 (addendum) : and it is a difficult thing! ๐Ÿ˜Š
8. The objective behind karma-yoga is not self-improvement but self-purification.

SS: Great

RP: 9. Is followed in thought speech and action - ie integrated fashion

GP: 9. Working hard, doing social service, doing one's duties, being very efficient, achieving great success - none of this is karma yoga, if there is no attitude of surrender to a higher ideal/altar beyond oneself.
Yes, I agree with ram's point 9. Pls ignore my point 9.

RP: I think there can be more than 10. Multiverse!

SS: 1.Perform your obligatory duties diligently and cheerfully. Niyatam kuru karma tvam.
2.Dedicate the duties to a higher cause / God. Ishwaraarpitam
3.Keep your Vision High.
4.Reduce self – importance & self- projection through teamwork or Yagna-Spirit
5.Love the very work itself.
6. Calm – Before, During and After the action. Samatvam Yoga Uchyate.
7. Don’t insist on particular results only.
8. Accept the results cheerfully as His Prasad with Humility & Equanimity.
9. Don’t attach your worth to work.
10. Know that you are only an instrument and not the doer. Nimmita-maatam bhava.
Yes there can be more too

GP: Swamiji added 10 more! ๐Ÿ˜Š

SS: Many are same points. I just tried to fill the missing links and put it in a sequence so that if we try practicing it in this order it would help rather trying to give up doership etc.

Su: The list is graded in difficulty.  Easy to tough
Start from the top....

RP: Mukhta Sangha samaacharan - don't remember the verse exactly - that's also a gem of a verse

SS: Thats the yagna spirit point. Yagnaarthaat karmanonyatra loko ayam karma-bandhanaha. Tadartham karma kaunteya mukta sangah samaachara. Geeta ch.3

Su: As I see it,  BMI integration is needed for karma yoga. Swamiji is it possible that someone is not ready for karma yoga,  hence there is some practice to prepare one for practice of karma yoga.

RP: Perfect Swamiji.

SS: Karma yoga itself will integrate us. Point 1 of doing duties can integrate us. We dont do our duties and engage in distractions or prohibited things. Thats disintegration.

RP: And there is another one on maam anusmara yudhyaca

Su: Right Swamiji,  true doing one's duties diligently itself needs tremendous integrity

SS: Tasmaat sarveshu kaleshu maam anusmara yudhya cha
Mayyarpita mano budhihi
Maam eve eshyasi asamshay
Geeta Chapter 8
Hence at all times remember ME and fight. Mind and intellect dedicated to ME you shall undoubtedly reach ME says the Lord.
Doing what one loves or swadharma can help to integrate. Thats a part of my duty to myself

RP: Oh I was looking in chapter 2 - but I feel there are gems of verses on k-yoga sprinkled across chapters
Or could be that I can only see Geeta as book of k-yoga!

SS: Its Sprinkled everywhere. Karma includes bhakti and gnana too. That way entire geeta is karma yoga

RP: Sukhe Dukhe same kritva labhalabhau jayajaou tato yudhyaya yujyasva naivam paapamsvyspsasi
The naivam papam refers to not accumulating vasanas Swamiji?

SS: Yes.
Work for the sake of work is tato yuddhaaya yujyasva. If we can do that without a trace of dependency on results. Then no new vasanas are created

RP: Thank you Swamiji !

KG: Gr8 point Swamiji. Talking of examples then the japa tapa meditation (trials :)) are all in ways karma only...
#5 Love the work itself.
Do we need the attitude that the work that's come on my plate is his grace, his placing me at that place is good enough reason to accept it and give it a best shot...

RP: Yes Krishna - the work coming on your plate is not by chance. Remember when you act in karma yoga no NEW vasanas are created. How about existing ones? That's where performing your duties in the circumstances you are placed in ( results of past karma) help in removing existing vasanas.
The 1st stanza - results come by his grace - this is the grace - opportunity for us to act right and exhaust our current vasanas. We don't know our vasanas but he does - so provides you with the right opportunity to purge them- provided we act with the right spirit. Instead we assume more doership and more vasanas.

NP: Wow!!! Love this class. Thanks thanks thanks ๐Ÿ™

KG: So for vedantin every moment is an opportunity in itself! Thx Ramkumarji :)

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